Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Go To My Other Blog/Website

So I have two blogs, lots of blog, I dunno. Obviously this one. But also my website KellyDunleavy.com, which is where I was really keeping my regular blog and other stuff that I keep meaning to add to and make awesomely better.

This blogspot blog was just suppose to be about training, but then Loren and Courtenay and Sarah came to it. And now it has probably more readers than my regular blog. Sigh.

And I really shouldn't be dividing my readership (of 6), so I'm combining this blog with my regular blog. Obviously, that one will have more to do with triathlon now and stuff.

So everyone should go over there, change their bookmarks, whatever.



Courtenay said...

i am highly confused.

your other blog/website has a page that says triathlon and on that page it says to come back here.


i just signed myself up for a nice little domain name and some hosting, thinking it'd be fun to make my own little website that has both my blogs on it and you don't have to go to multiple places. only problem is i don't know HTML beyond font-altering code and hyperlinking. i had to ask my aunt for help. we'll see how it goes.

Kelly said...

sorry about being confused. i'm going to stop posting on this one and put everything on my blog on my website, but it's a work in progress. you know how that goes..

yeah, i thought it'd be fun too but i don't know shit about writing code or anything, so everything takes me a little while and is never quite as awesome as I want it to be.

Anonymous said...

how do you get an HTML account?

Sarah said...

I know the feeling. I want to start another site for other things like writing and just other stuff, but...it might be too time consuming and confuse people.

I'll change the link, though. :)