Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yesterday evening I decided to meet up with the Tam runners. I hate running by myself (actually i hate doing most things by myself but i hate doing them with people who aren't the right speed even more) and I need to ball up and get some running in, so.

We ended up running up Mount Baldy (which I couldn't find a picture of). Since they were all training for the Dipsea or running it next year or thinking about it or generally being obsessed with the Dipsea, running up and down seemed like a good idea to them.

I thought it seemed kinda dumb. But I'm new, so what do I know. Actually, I'm fine with running up, it hurts but it's fine; i think running downhill is stupid.

So I did a lot of careful plodding downhill instead.

I don't know why trail running = running uphill/downhill.

Today, is going to be a swim day just to let my legs recover. I'll be joining Tam Masters hopefully, even if they only accept certain people into certain workouts at certain times. Marin is wierd.

And this weekend is no racing for me, but driving Steve down to Sea Otter and hanging out at the festival there. Since my drivers' license is a fairly recent development , he's been taking advantage by having me drive to lots of races.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

over christmas break I ran a double dipsea... that was a lot of down hill. I don't mind down hill as long as there are NO roots. Better (less scary) downhill is Ring Mountain, near mine (and loren's) house. My brother runs it all the time, he thinks it's fun, I think it's torture.